1、God never puts blame on people's fatuity but people put blame on god of unjust.
2、You have only to ask the questions to realise the fatuity of the idea.
3、Hee Murong fatuity oppressive, heavy taxes, the people's pain, resentment everywhere.
n. 愚钝, 昏庸, 愚蠢言行【医】 愚昧 详情0
1、A member of congress works in the polimacaroni and cheese造句
1、Steve: I like to eat macaroni and cheebattlefield造句
1、One example is Battlefield 1942.一个例子是Bwade in造句
1、Rhett rose swiftly, deposited Wade inmore than造句
1、Speculation could lift Motorola's stocfried造句
1、Oil Fried wheaten food 2.50cny.油炸了的面粉做muddle造句
1、So muddle and confusion may reign.所以混乱in consonance with造句
1、The Word of God is in consonance witht lymphocyte造句
1、Follow-up index included viral load, ttrophy造句
1、The special trophy for the best riderwell-chosen造句
1、One clear reason is that a well-chosenparticle accelerator造句
1、And no particle accelerator yet existsquality of life造句
1、To improve the quality of life throughgreatest造句
1、Among all students of Yip Man, Kung Futorso造句
1、The headless torso of a man was founddrunk造句
1、Several th bustling places, happinessintermediate product造句
1、The trend of each intermediate productlying in wait造句
1、The robber is lying in wait for the rihas-been造句
1、It is better to be a has-been than a ncream sauce造句
1、It's good with cream sauce but everyth