1、She lay one fifty-three down on his side and tied a rubber tourniquet around his front leg.
2、That man is really kooky. He has fifty-three cats!
3、You are scheduled to depart in one hour, fifty-three minutes.
4、Eight hundred and fifty-three RMB. Sir.
5、You're fifty-three years old. You're not going to get another job.
6、For fifty-three years he was married; now he doesn't even have someone to turn on the light for.
7、These are the kindreds of the sons of Aser, and their number fifty-three thousand four hundred.
8、It said that number one fifty-three was a mixed Shepherd, six months old.
9、I could see the moment that one fifty-three went from a curious puppy to a terrified puppy.
10、Fifty-three metric tons is one hundred seventeen thousand pounds.
11、It was thirteen years since he had last seen her; she was fifty-three and he was seventy-one.
12、The most populated state, California, has fifty-three House seats.
1、Looking down Simba sees that his forepclimb down造句
1、Without speaking, we shuffle along thecurry favor造句
1、Everyone else piles on, hoping to currcredit balance造句
1、A credit balance of 50 was brought forprofitless造句
1、But we will be profitless if if the usswordfish造句
1、Let's see, what should I have... maybeisaac newton造句
1、Isaac Newton and Edmond Halley once diforeign investment造句
1、But oil earnings tumbled and foreign iunsociable造句
1、So, he finishes his life as a very unsgrits造句
1、He grits his teeth. He will probably nscad造句
1、After a light jigging session, we'd cathong造句
1、a sandal attached to the foot by a thothirty-six造句
1、They walked through the dense Mozambicprice movement造句
1、Both approaches attempt to predict themeal ticket造句
1、Everyday lunch, supper for the volunteentry point造句
1、Google saw search as an entry point inall the time造句
1、We travel back and forth all the timehemispherical造句
1、A structure or other object resemblingcarouse造句
1、No wonder they drink, smoke, fight, cachanneling造句
1、The effects on plate efficiency with e