1、We're the heirs to a hard-earned history and stewards of a land of God-given beauty.
2、If you fail to fulfill your God-given mission on earth, you will have wasted the life God gave you.
3、Woodrow Wilson thought that he had a God-given duty to bring liberty to mankind.
4、Programs written in Ruby should spring from that same God-given source.
5、God-fearing parents have a God-given vision for their family.
6、You have a God-given knack for committing a terriblesin.
7、If a person wants to be atheistic, it's his God-given right to be an atheist.
8、What gives you a God-given right to know all my business?
9、Anytime you use your God-given abilities to help others, you are fulfilling your calling.
10、They aren’t God-given gifts reserved to the few.
a. 神授的, 天赐的, 受欢迎的, 适时的 详情

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