golden gate bridge造句
1、They also crossed the Golden Gate Bridge and the notoriously steep Lombard Street in San Francisco.
2、Some of those people later met on the Golden Gate Bridge itself to rally for hope.
3、Joseph Strauss was the chief engineer of the Golden Gate Bridge project.
约瑟夫·施特劳斯(Joseph Strauss)是金门大桥项目总工程师。
1、More and more he admired Franklin Roosinflaming造句
1、China is appealing for all parties tocalcite造句
1、Most dolomite is obviously the resultinfuse造句
1、When I am burned out, infuse me with tquantity造句
1、A quantity of ready-use 35 mm ammunitisugarless造句
1、Sugarless yoghurt could help beat baddefiance造句
1、Marked by stubborn resistance to and dprenuptial造句
1、That morning, Luo gave several papersfalter造句
1、The recoveries in Hungary and Romaniaamount of information造句
1、Packing density: Amount of informationastrocyte造句
1、The cell cycle events are related withmiami造句
1、There is rampant speculation James isembark造句
1、The last known video shows him at a recentenarian造句
1、The centenarian genome is a key resourgiga造句
1、Planned for Gujarat, India, it'll be pdairy cattle造句
1、Dairy cattle similarly produce vast qubequeath造句
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1、Tao never-failing honey you, sincere hpacker造句
1、In the next installment I'll talk aboset point造句
1、They rallied for a long time at the se