high and dry造句
1、They drew the boat up high and dry to escape the summer floods.
2、Their yacht was left high and dry on a sandbank.
3、He left her high and dry in a strange country without any money
4、It seems that I've been left high and dry and have to do all the work by myself.
high and dry翻译
搁浅, 孤立无援, 落在时代潮流的后面, 孤单无援的, 被遗弃的 详情0
1、I’m sick of all these books clutteringheadwaters造句
1、The San Rafael Valley's topography andstaved造句
1、He staved off his creditors.他躲避债主。2、Retable wine造句
1、A dry red California table wine similathe mass of造句
1、Each proton has about two thousand tiperilously造句
1、Another is the exacerbation of socialsubversive造句
1、But he slowly began to love the subverpane of glass造句
1、A small diamond-shaped or square paneanemic造句
1、This means that the young stars are anappetite造句
1、The splendid dinner whet the appetitesticky end造句
1、After Actaeon's sticky end comes the sexhaust system造句
1、The exhaust system shall consist of anaccompaniment造句
1、Enjoy as an Aperitif or as an accompanwildly造句
1、When I reached home, I was wildly exhimadame造句
1、Madame Lamotte was in black with touchinduction造句
1、CTL induction is difficult in patientsfuck造句
1、So I try and fuck up his funk.基本上就是年轻人portend造句
1、In general, having a fallback person dportable computer造句
1、I have a portable computer in the casesquadron造句
1、One squadron peeled off to attack enem