1、The architect should be a good listener and observer, as well as a good talker.
2、Afterward, the listener can ask nonthreatening questions to clarify the speaker's position.
3、His amiability condemns him to being a constant listener to other people's troubles.
4、I am a very good listener and seem to have the knack to get people to talk.
5、The JMS listener then returns the HTTP response to the original requester.
然后,JMS * 将HTTP响应返回到原始请求程序。
6、This connection will exist for the entire life of the listener port.
此连接将存在于 * 端口的整个生命周期。
7、And the Ancient Near Eastern listener would prick up their ears: I thought I knew this story.
8、A viewer or listener making such a call
9、The listener class was modified in Part 2.
第2部分对 * 类进行了修改。
10、If the listener is not paying attention, it's your sign to shorten the story or change direction.
11、I am a very good listener and seem to have the knack to get people to talk
12、Supportive verbal feedback is an important speech act of the listener involved in a conversation.
13、They raised $630,000 through listener donations, and then called it quits.
14、An event listener that counts events coming from each General Agent.
一个事件 * ,对来自每个普通代理事件进行计数。
15、a secret listener to private conversations
16、Talk it out: Find a sympathetic listener and just think out loud, get it all out.
17、Registering a listener looking for changes on the server side.
注册一个能侦听服务器端变更的 * 。
18、The listener can control the amplitude for those sounds they are choosing to listen to.
19、Be a patient listener before formulating responses
20、Instead, it will affect the Oracle listener load balance and failover.
但它会影响Oracle * 的负载平衡和故障转移。
21、The listener for the topping buttons is only a bit more complicated.
浇头按钮的 * 只是稍微复杂一点。
22、The only listener I had for these erratic poems of mine was Akshay Babu.
23、Each kind of music can stir a listener and evoke a response in him.
24、A good listener will want to understand the reason they feel unappreciated.
25、To implement this listener class, we'll code an anonymous class in the main Explorer Window.
为了实现该 * 类,我们将在主资源管理器窗口中编码一个匿名类。
26、Train yourself to be a keen listener and observer.
27、The event listener will invoke your back-end service.
28、Message Listener Thread Pool.
消息 * 线程池。
29、Don't let the listener fall asleep.
30、The results show that, the sound image direction for an off-center listener depends on frequency.
n. 收听者, 听众 详情

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