load balance造句
1、Balance is primarily used as a tool to load balance HTTP requests.
2、Configure an Apache instance to load balance across the Tomcat servers.
3、Design and Implementation of DNS-based Load Balance Technology
4、The task dividing policy, resource allocation and load balance for the model are then discussed.
5、Instead, it will affect the Oracle listener load balance and failover.
但它会影响Oracle * 的负载平衡和故障转移。
6、Load balance is the key factor to the efficiency of distributed processing.
7、Novell has a concept of "clustering" or chaining LDAP servers to load balance or fail-over.
8、Adjusting good parallel load balance will raise the parallel efficiency.
9、BUILDER shall issue a final Electrical Load Balance for OWNERS approval.
10、IHS load balance tests on supported CM Server platforms.
11、Flow-level Multipath Load Balance in MPLS Networks Based on RTT
12、You can develop and load balance Web services based on business processes within and across SOAs.
您可以在SOA内部(或跨 SOA)基于业务流程开发Web服务和平衡 Web 服务负载。
load balance翻译
【电】 负载平衡 详情

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