lock washer造句
1、It's important to put a lock washer on that last nut, or it can work loose.
2、Aurora only USES lock washer or embroidered eyes and nose for safety.
3、Only lock washer or embroidered eyes and nose are used for safety.
lock washer翻译
【化】 弹簧垫圈 详情0
1、Technical Renovation of Siphon Filterssaturn造句
1、It seems like our flight to Saturn wilregression testing造句
1、Critical path is useful in regressionbreathless造句
1、She replied, and in a moment more he wscrewing造句
1、"Yes, I know that," Kelly said, screwirise to power造句
1、But it was only the beginning of the rbroken-down造句
1、The broken-down car was taken in tow bconception造句
1、Weakly ergodic is a new ergodic concepparalysis造句
1、Mild abductor nerve paralysis is the efrivolity造句
1、Frivolity is the exact opposite of repparagon造句
1、Yet what have we heard about this paraextraordinary造句
1、Then, in the midst of this ordinary licolor bar造句
1、Color of the snow and rock. Click theAPS造句
1、The APs are expected to be in the normrubella造句
1、Most people who catch rubella are notwell stocked造句
1、Complementing the cuisine is a well stmythology造句
1、In Scandinavian mythology the rainbowcaste system造句
1、Long had been in the process of the capyjama造句
1、He nods. Ann, suddenly panicked, feelscoalmine造句
1、Coal measures in Xiaonan coalmine belo