1、In the end, the 1987 collapse suggested, the economy doesn't move in lockstep with stock prices.
2、Look for stock prices to move in lockstep with the index futures at least 75% of the time.
3、But unemployment does not fall in lockstep with an increase in growth.
4、Current research has not exploited the lockstep property of VLIWs.
5、Navy officers marched in lockstep to lay flowers at the base of the new monument.
6、That has huge implications league-wide because the luxury tax level moves in lockstep with the cap.
7、Cases of breathing difficulties increase in lockstep with air pollution.
8、So far, Haier's moves follow lockstep into the strategies forged by its predecessors.
n. 紧密行进步伐, 因循守旧 详情猜你喜欢
1、Your gnash one's teeth says: Upstairsseverance pay造句
1、Fire! On the next page you'll find outintramedullary造句
1、Conclusion Intramedullary phlebographyhebei province造句
1、Hebei province has a population of 61wipe up造句
1、As soon as the towel hit my face, I reasean造句
1、ASEAN is just not that sort of a club.grandiose造句
1、So come, I have grandiose reason, themedium造句
1、She’s average height, medium build.她不高teens造句
1、I created Teens Helping Seniors with mbilateral造句
1、Cough, fever, bilateral pulmonary noduuglify造句
1、The Gryphon went on, "if you don't knolabor force造句
1、The percentage of retirement-age peopldisquieted造句
1、And why are you disquieted within me?为handball造句
1、Playing field equipment. Handball goalfull price造句
1、We had to pay the full price in advancstick out for造句
1、They shall stick out for every penny ttaxicab造句
1、Taxicab drivers have to be rough and tpower density造句
1、The temperature of fuel pellets can befluently造句
1、Our foreign teacher speaks Chinese verstore造句
1、My dear, we never know what life may h