main engine造句
1、We have to warm the main engine before we start it.
2、Adjust the cooling water flow, to avoid the main engine surge or condensation pressure is too high.
3、Family is the main engine of education.
4、The main engine must undergo the sea trials.
5、We have main engine start.
6、Whether the main engine can work normally will mainly depend on the supercharger.
7、The main engine of transformation has been competition.
8、Consequently, fuel oil supply to the main engine is shut out.
9、Will you supply main engine lube oil in bulk or in barrel?
10、Most of speed controllers of main engine in ship use PID control method.
11、What kinds of main engine and generator engine have you worked on?
12、The main engine lube oil is very important for the stability work of the diesel engine.
13、The steam valve of main engine fresh water heater leaked.
main engine翻译
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