1、In his horn solo, he kept modulating from key to key.
2、Solid state modulating control - modulates power input and balances load to demand.
3、Waveform Modulating System of Converter for Stud Welding of Car Body
4、Modulating device and method, demodulating device and method, program, and recording medium.
5、Analysis of CD-ROM data format and modulating method by programming
6、A sinusoidal phase modulating laser diode interferometer is proposed.
7、The third argument is the number of components that are used for modulating and blending.
8、The outer cells are responsible for amplifying sound, and for modulating its quality.
9、Modulating method, demodulating method, modulating apparatus, and demodulating apparatus.
10、Water vapour and clouds are the primary variables modulating direct solar absorption.
11、The relative research reveal that there many local factors modulating the bone remodeling process.
12、If the time is not right, it can be adjusted by modulating the key.
13、The WOBD is used when modulating temperature control is needed.
14、The disease modulating drugs do NOT reduce symptoms.
15、Introduced the principles of pulse modulating circuit for measuring power factor.
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