1、Seidel adds, "Of course, you don't want to come across as arrogant, but you have to sell yourself."
2、Seidel adds, "Of course, you don't want to come across as arrogant, but you have to sell yourself.
3、He took a big drink from the seidel and said: "Can he do this?"
4、"The first person to find out you're leaving should be your immediate boss," Seidel says.

- reticent造句
- exhale造句
- serbian造句
- combinatorial造句
- trade talks造句
- following造句
- benediction造句
- desist from造句
- next to造句
- in confirmation of造句
- executioner造句
- hooded造句
- take a vow造句
- corrective actions造句
- climb造句
- convoy造句
- raw water造句
- operational data造句
- co-operation造句
- vineyard造句
- energizer造句
- standard procedure造句
- cheever造句
- american football造句
- intimation造句
- adrenergic造句
- provisions造句
- packing造句
- peirce造句
- state-of-the-art造句
- absolutist造句
- hearing-impaired造句
- lighten up造句
- replacement造句
- john dewey造句
- coiler造句
- leucocyte造句
- televise造句
- des造句