1、Sett goals, achieve the goal, to set new goals. This is the fastest way to success.
2、Preliminary Report on Cane Top as Cane Sett for Cultivation in Frost Area
3、Sett the precision and scale of columns with numeric data types.
降低列的精度或减少小数位数可能导致数据截断。 。
4、Sett out your work clothes and pack your lunch at night.
5、Sett small goals every day and work hard to achieve.
6、Sett aside some time each day to listen.
每天留出一点时间来听节目。 。
7、Sett goals.
8、Sett the bird's wings with gold and it will never again soar in the sky.
9、Sett realistic goals.
10、Sett a recorder and microphone recording what you are saying.

1、You leaved your friend, but you will ndevastation造句
1、The gulf oil spill put New Orleans thrkickoff造句
1、The kickoff of a charity campaign慈善运动的faints造句
1、I hint that the faints aint painted ththeca造句
1、Objective Strengthen the diagnosis andsymmetric造句
1、The Well Part of Zero Symmetric BZ-algreform造句
1、The heart of the new reform is a restrbewail造句
1、Who are they to us? We find it difficudrop in造句
1、She invited me to drop in and mingle wmaladjusted造句
1、The maladjusted soil nutrients show grhostler造句
1、The morning breaks ; the steeds in theslog造句
1、The party leader is slog it out in a tletter of introduction造句
1、The readers' own letter of introductiodichromate造句
1、The proof is recoated with dichromateneurite造句
1、To study the effects of Schwann cellshold in造句
1、A wrestling hold in which an opponent'filibuster造句
1、The democrats organize a filibuster instand the test造句
1、We believe that it will stand the testunderwood造句
1、Underwood threatened to pay him back speacefully造句
1、How could he live peacefully with such