1、Just use the long time no see, how nice body. my slobber a great word get.
2、The smell of delicious pizza flavor, I slobber to flow out!
3、But the slobber and attention is free!
4、slobber over sb.
溺爱某人, 对某人感情用事
5、But some experts say it might be time to put an end to swapping slobber with your pooch.
6、They always slobber all over you.
7、Try to remember that sometimes slobber all over the face is not exactly what your partner wants.
vi. 垂涎, 流口水, 情不自禁地说vt. 流口水弄湿, 口齿不清地说, 处事马虎n. 口水, 涎, 过分动情的话, 语无伦次的话 详情

1、This game changing unit has the abilitwicking造句
1、Moisture wicking lining.吸湿排汗内衬。2、Meshcoffee cup造句
1、It is not considered good manners to lcharles ii造句
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1、In the beginning, we went to the fortuapproved造句
1、ODF has already been approved as an ISdiffusely造句
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1、Guglielmo Marconi was born in Bologna,amphibolite造句
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1、Not the microcomputer secondary storagdiosgenin造句
1、Analysis on Diosgenin and Pennogenin fabsolved造句
1、He absolved me from a promise他同意我不受这项诺amphibole造句
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1、The date of delivery is approaching, b