soak into造句
1、Put some change in an expired parkingvideo recording造句
1、a video recording made on magnetic tapkent造句
1、Kent is the garden of England.肯特郡是英格兰的radiate造句
1、Fill your mind with the truths of Godmoved造句
1、You'll need a well-stocked fridge andgiga造句
1、Planned for Gujarat, India, it'll be pmind-set造句
1、"The root of the hacker mind-set is 'Tincredulous造句
1、He asked me with an incredulous look他用enrage造句
1、She chose a quotation that she knew wopreeminence造句
1、No one doubted his preeminence in finafull payment造句
1、We require full payment within 45 daysinternal auditing造句
1、Internal auditing and audit committeebourgeoisie造句
1、We shall not allow a new bourgeoisie tbeth造句
1、Beth : It is called Shaft. Samuel L isbest造句
1、The best way to convict is to turn onlive out造句
1、She can’t live out another month.她活不过下damage造句
1、Once the subject matter is in escrow,food stamp造句
1、A food stamp is a voucher that can beseawards造句
1、Seawards rushes the Yellow River.黄河入海流government officials造句
1、Sudanese government officials will be