1、The shoe features an abrasion-resistant toe cover with stretchy elastic overlay.
2、Imagine a stretchy wrapping paper that you pin to your gift at the vertices.
3、trousers made of a stretchy fabric
4、The DOLL's Oral entry has a very soft and stretchy lips.
5、Stretchy back strap helps keep the sandal securely to your foot.
6、Stretchy flat-knit merino wool sleeves with self-starting cuffs.
7、It's very stretchy which for me is the key factor in buying jeans. Comfort comes first.
8、And Merton did this dog stretchy thing where he sort of like bowed.
9、Generally they are stretchy and can be multi-layer.
10、trousers made of a stretchy fabric.
11、Comfortable and Stretchy Enhancement Ring for Him.
12、Soft stretchy material for all-day comfort.
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