1、A tersely phrased statement of a truth or opinion; an adage
2、a particular bird, exactly and tersely described in the book of birds.
3、In contrast, the same sort of rules can be described even more tersely using regular expressions.
4、A tersely phrased statement of a truth or opinion; an adage.
5、a particular bird, exactly and tersely described in the book of birds
6、Hence, the following will be studied tersely in the paper.

1、Study on Phe cut-off point of neonatalpath造句
1、We passed the triangular farm on our lbionomics造句
1、The bionomics of Gampocleis ussuriensiunplug造句
1、So, unplug from the 'artificial' meansslow down造句
1、The yields continue to slow down or retechnologist造句
1、Don't be alarmed if this happens, yourpensive造句
1、In vacant or in pensive mood.茫茫然陷入沉思状态say yes造句
1、We simply say YES or click the clickerfix造句
1、My wife always tells me that I cannotrandomization造句
1、Mendelian Randomization Study of Bodytoo to造句
1、Tom always goes jogging in the morningdivine right造句
1、Waterloo bears divine right on its crucalligraphic造句
1、I know we are going to see some calligverbose造句
1、The instructor canceled most of verbosrating system造句
1、Perhaps what we need is a rating systepowdered sugar造句
1、We found powdered sugar on the odometeadmitted造句
1、Rowing toward the wharf that night inassure造句
1、CQC carry out Flying Inspection to theernst造句
1、Despite his job title, Dr Ernst is nostriae造句
1、mark with striae or striations.用细沟或条痕作