1、Rather, the emphasis is squarely placed on the goal, writing loosely coupled, testable code.
2、Theoretically, this piece, or unit, should be the smallest testable portion of source code.
3、It is more elegant and eminently testable by a humans with a browser by virtue of a complete URL.
4、That, of course, is a possibility. But it is a testable possibility.
5、What could be better than flexible, testable code that's a blast to write?
6、To do this requires complete, unambiguous, and testable requirements.
7、A Story is a testable piece of a Feature, also described in the words of users.
8、Testable ea artifacts should be created for.
9、Third, all these methods are testable now: each method ) does just one thing.
10、Each of these represents a testable event.
11、A test assertion is a testable expression of one or more requirements in the Basic Profile.
12、Still, most of the testable ones have been soundly refuted.
13、By nature, the MVC pattern is highly testable and encourages good separation of concerns.
14、Software must be easy testable — that is, written with tests in mind.
15、Your nascent developer community needs to have something runnable and testable to play with.
16、Nor is it clear whether the concept will deliver testable predictions by which it can be judged.
17、Unit testing is carried out on the smallest testable units of the software.
a. 可试验的, 有资格作证人的, 有资格立遗嘱的, 可根据遗嘱处理的 详情猜你喜欢
military personnel造句
1、a casualty to military personnel resulcollusive造句
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1、Analysis of 30 Cases of Acne Vulgarishatefully造句
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