1、This is provided to avoid unintentional dropping of the table.
2、Reusing IP addresses can lead to an unintentional Denial of Service attack.
重用IP地址可能会导致意外的 DenialofServiceattack (DoS)。
3、Marked by unintentional lack of care.
4、Parents shouldn't keep scolding their child for his unintentional mistakes.
5、An uncoordinated turn towards the runway before landing can lead to an unintentional spin.
6、To become marked by or cause an unintentional transfer of ink.
7、An unintentional omission or mistake.
8、Unintentional injuries are a leading cause of death and disability among young people.
9、Poor visibility or planning across the enterprise led to unintentional silos.
10、This helps avoid bugs that result from unintentional use of uninitialized variables.
11、Africa has the highest rate overall for unintentional injury deaths.
12、That unintentional lobotomy would be hard to explain.
13、Falls are the second leading cause of accidental or unintentional injury deaths worldwide.
14、This is not a case of unintentional insensitivity, but of deliberate misrepresentation.
15、The same is true for road safety and the prevention of unintentional childhood injuries.
16、Language is an unintentional speech.
17、The list is surprisingly short - including heart disease, cancer and unintentional injury.
18、This helps identify potential unintentional object references causing memory leaks.
19、"There are both intentional and unintentional sources of bias," says Kittur.
目前存在有意和无意的偏见来源。“ Kittur称。”
20、And speaking of unintentional comedy, can you imagine a foreigner watching this spectacle?
21、Australia: drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury death in children aged 1-3 years.
澳大利亚:溺水是1 - 3岁儿童非故意伤害死亡的主要原因。
a. 无心的, 不是故意的【法】 非故意的, 无意的, 无心的 详情猜你喜欢
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