1、His life had been unoriginal conforming completely to the given pattern.
2、The manuscript contained unoriginal emendations.
3、He called the new building unoriginal and said that it merely aped the classical traditions.
a. 非原先的, 无独创精神的, 模仿的, 抄袭的 详情

1、I lifted my right hand and made scissoearthly造句
1、And my child must seek a heavenly Fathawoke造句
1、The alarm clock awoke me on time.闹钟按时把inauguration造句
1、While Lincoln waited for inaugurationpeelings造句
1、The potato peelings have bunged up theinalterable造句
1、The inalterable routine of a physicianwayfarer造句
1、The sound of the careless passage of trecreational造句
1、A Glance on Urban Planning for Recreatnoncompliance造句
1、Noncompliance penalties were so slightking-size造句
1、You can have a room with either a queepension fund造句
1、ABP of the Netherlands is the largestsnowdrop造句
1、It was in the early spring, when the cpontiac造句
1、Pontiac was conceived as 'companion' bcytology造句
1、Demonstrate the techniques for preparichitosan造句
1、Conclusion: Chitosan can prevent or reputt造句
1、This is a 1-inch putt if you're playinincentive造句
1、Money is still a major incentive to momedal造句
1、award sb. with a medal (=confer a medaprimeval造句
1、Our exploration to the primeval forestshower curtain造句
1、Laura: Remember to use the shower curt