1、A language course based on natural unscripted dialogues, conversations, etc.
2、I love these unscripted shows because they're different every time.
3、This included dramas, comedies, unscripted fare and newsmagazines.
a. 不用稿子的 详情0
1、Meteorology is a very practical sciencwaking up造句
1、India is waking up to aviation after aexhaust system造句
1、The exhaust system shall consist of anlectern造句
1、on the lectern is to be carved the crostatistic造句
1、Optimization of Data Query for TrafficMig造句
1、The resulting turbulence would have sewedge造句
1、Is a wedge test specimen utilized forviva造句
1、Then I left VIVA just in this year anddishevelled造句
1、The wind dishevelled the newspapers ontiger造句
1、The fissures have been dubbed tiger ststerilization造句
1、Other means of sterilization include djoke造句
1、Somebody must be playing a joke on theappendicitis造句
1、Appendicitis is most common in the seccapacity utilization造句
1、These strategies help maximize the capstenosis造句
1、In addition, MRA showed no stenosis orzeolite造句
1、Zeolite is a superior adsorbent.沸石是一种优water system造句
1、In water system design thin wall coppemaidenhair造句
1、Small maidenhair flowering, and finallcombinative造句
1、The inner core pulling of The gear plaelectron beam造句
1、Design of electrostatic foc using syst