1、To get our Colombian visas we bused back to Medellin.
2、In September we bused through south Georgia.
3、TMZ said Colony bused its employees to Neverland Ranch this week for a surprise Christmas party.
4、Increasingly, children are bused to huge, anonymous campuses on the outskirts of town.
5、Shock MOBS of other women were especially bused in to attack them, beat them and pull their hair.
【计】 多丛的 详情0
1、The work to be turned is held betweenmonomorphic造句
1、Converting a virtual method call to aharm造句
1、Possibly no harm is meant the boy.也许这孩early and late造句
1、Serum taken during the early and latecriticize造句
1、To criticize harshly.严厉批评,痛斥2、So the Omitzvah造句
1、You know, you can turn this whole thinmain road造句
1、The great drawback to living near a macurvularia造句
1、Fermentation liquid protein played a gprerequisite造句
1、Most commonly, you must install prereqreward造句
1、It was a simple job and the reward wasproposed造句
1、In his first year he proposed a tax injuggler造句
1、A juggler really runs a race with gravthoroughly造句
1、The two had a sublime evening and thorin a manner of speaking造句
1、As I have told you before, in a manneralabama造句
1、The state of Alabama is already doinghannibal造句
1、Hannibal Lecter: I will listen now.汉尼拔undeceived造句
1、His unusual behaviour soon undeceivedtake for granted造句
1、Today we take for granted that they'rePIPS造句
1、One way of doing this is to grow attrabump up造句
1、Some Antidepressants May Bump Up Catar