cats and dogs造句
1、Like humans, cats and dogs are omnivores.
2、It started to rain cats and dogs when I was about to leave the office.
3、It rained cats and dogs that day, and my shirt was wet through.
4、In the middle of the picnic, it started to rain cats and dogs and everybody got soaked.
5、Myth: Only female cats and dogs need to be spayed.
6、We might've fought like cats and dogs on issues.
7、Fat cats and dogs were more vulnerable to diabetes, arthritis, heart problems and liver disease.
8、breeds chiefly on cats and dogs and rats.
9、Both cats and dogs can knock down and break glass ornaments, then cut themselves on the pieces.
10、WATCH VIDEO: Scientists find that cats and dogs drink liquids using entirely different methods.
11、We observe cats and dogs acquiring the same second nature.
12、Animals such as cats and dogs are active animals.
13、Cats and dogs are not allowed.
14、It is thought that exposure to allergens - from cats and dogs - could boost the immune system.
cats and dogs翻译
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