colour scheme造句
1、The bride decided on a light red colour scheme for her house.
2、I think the colour scheme they've chosen is hideous.
3、With so many colour choices, finding a colour scheme or theme can be a challenge.
4、Their new colour scheme is hideous!
5、I propose to leave that colour scheme alone.
6、A new colour scheme will transform your bedroom.
7、A pretty-pretty colour scheme of pale pinks and blues
8、The bride decided on a light red colour scheme for her house
9、Palette - this will change the colour scheme on the chart or table.
10、Here there are two options that will assist in changing the colour scheme in the portlet.
11、Oh, that's very nice. I love the colour scheme too. Please put my luggage there.
1、Also disclosed are resinous compositioweirdly造句
1、How weirdly defensive they seemed to bphrenic造句
1、The conventional way is using nerve grresidual造句
1、New scarp — waste composed of the resiexternal reference造句
1、The external reference data in this exthe better part造句
1、The journey took her the better part ointegrable造句
1、An integrable optic-fiber coherent staJane造句
1、Jane believes in eating carefully to csump pump造句
1、Our sump pump shut off and the basemenclink造句
1、Very rarely do I hear even a clink ofweather eye造句
1、Keep a weather eye on the horizon.保持在地antitrust造句
1、The bid may also run into antitrust prslumped造句
1、The old man slumped down in his chair.nephropathy造句
1、Diabetic nephropathy is a major managefollow the crowd造句
1、And when they see that other people avfunction definition造句
1、A string that appears at the top of agrotty造句
1、She lives in a grotty little room withdrain away造句
1、The water will soon drain away [off].水for each one造句
1、Taking a supplement for each one willmake tea造句
1、How can I make tea with this teapot?用这