de rigueur造句
1、genus of large duck-billed dinosaurs;fulton造句
1、Hal Fulton has two degrees in computerpicture gallery造句
1、Very nice image masking effect, you caconstable造句
1、And that Constable Owens is weakeningchest造句
1、The chest X-ray reveals no abnormalitisavings account造句
1、My savings account is low.我的存款几乎用完了2、Otaxpayer造句
1、So the taxpayer had no real choice butinmost造句
1、Inmost cases, the third party was theself-confident造句
1、Stubborn, self-confident Guo Zhenshanrename造句
1、Want to rename your buddies?想为您的好友重命名吗vacuum flask造句
1、There is a vacuum flask on the damaskbacterial造句
1、Methods: The bacterial endotoxins testplanck造句
1、The first image of the entire universeclosed system造句
1、"Sayable" is a relatively closed systecallee造句
1、The callee is the method owner that renot half造句
1、The dictionary is not half bad.这本字典很好。living arrangement造句
1、And little did I know, it would turn obrandt造句
1、'Your lips are holding up great,' Branget in造句
1、Will anyone interested in it please getowel造句
1、You just wanted to hand him a towel an