1、In default of experienced hands, count the few of us among the number.
2、Then change your default gateway and hit the enter key twice.
3、All operating system and messages with default values are enabled.
用默认值(events4 . nsf)启用所有操作系统和消息。
4、Provide default values if applicable.
5、The default build options, even on 64-bit POWER systems, are for old-style 32-bit applications.
6、For some reason, they stopped including this file by opting for a default implementation.
7、Open this file and observe the default values for port numbers and other parameters.
8、Leave the rest of the options at their default Settings and click OK.
9、The Crux and Bluecurve themes, in addition to the default theme, are supported.
10、The default timeout is five minutes.
11、If your EA has a default slippage value of 3, guess what your typical slippage will be 4.
12、The Hardware default detector is shown in Figure 2.
硬件缺省检测程序如图 2 中所示。
13、Delete your default router's IP address: # route delete theipadress.
14、The somewhat wordy default output of unittest.TextTestRunner.
稍微有些长的 unittest.TextTestRunner()的默认输出被定向到 StringIO out --如果您想查看它,欢迎您到 out.getvalue() 去查找。
15、Now, ominously, some creditors would like to see the European parent default as well.
16、The default error page will be displayed whenever an unhandled exception occurs.
17、B. the default gateway is the broadcast address for this subnet.
18、Default delimiter is a vertical bar.
19、Here, a default block size is assumed.
20、Listing 13. Changes in default parameters for minservers and maxservers.
21、The default is a 3-button sequence at a rather slow pace.
默认的设置是由 3 个按钮组成的序列,而且亮灯速度非常缓慢。
22、The default is to come up read-only -- very nice for a system that you may want to unplug a lot.
缺省情况为只读 — 这对于您可能希望经常拔下设备的系统来说是再好不过了。
23、JBoss, an open source application server, by default is configured with the Hypersonic database.
24、A grandnephew is almost the same as a grandson; in default of a lawyer one takes a lancer.
25、The auto loan industry recently is experiencing an increasing default rate, which is almost 50%.
26、In the next window, keep the Complete String default option and then next.
27、In the default Settings or Application Settings,.net has choices for line and function modes.
在默认设置或Application设置中,. NET拥有对行和函数模式的选择。
28、Maps the specified URL route and sets default route values.
29、Association columns default to using method-based sorting.
n. 违约, 不履行责任, 缺席, 默认值vt. 疏怠职责, 缺席, 拖欠, 默认vi. 疏怠职责, 缺席, 拖欠, 默认【计】 默认; 默认值; 缺省值【经】 违约, 债务不履行, 拖欠相关词组: 详情

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