1、I joke, imagining the Ritz trying discreetly to wheel in covered gurneys with the fresh flowers.
2、There are many ways of discreetly finding like-minded partners, says Pamela Stephenson connolly.
3、Guests are served a simple sheet cake carved discreetly in the kitchen.
4、Friends have discreetly sounded out opinion on the diplomatic circuit on his behalf.
5、And after these years, I've tried to live up to the example of the discreetly dropped-in dime.
6、Red saunters to a guard named TIM YOUNGBLOOD, mutters discreetly in his ear.
7、Duparc gives no improving message and discreetly refrains from judging her subjects.
8、It is also is a terrific method of discreetly and directly pitching to someone powerful.
9、She coughed discreetly to announce her presence.
10、A smile discreetly appears as memories past and thoughts of the future travel through my soul.
11、The rear has a discreetly decorated boot lid and carbon fiber taillight covers.
12、Some instructors could be seen discreetly cleaning their hands with antiseptic wipes.
13、After she finished her drink, she discreetly checked her watch and rose to say goodbye.
14、I took the phone, and she went discreetly into the living room.
15、If you spot someone interesting, discreetly throw a ball close to him or her for your dog to fetch.
16、For the next two hours, every minute or so, he spat, discreetly but audibly, into the cup.
在接下来的两个小时里,每隔一分钟左右,他就往杯子里啐上一口。 尽管他动作很小心,但还是有动静。
17、They discreetly showered his body underneath the bath towel and gave him a close shave.
18、By late spring, everyone had agreed to rely on advertising, with the ads discreetly presented.
19、The mood is discreetly calm.
western australia造句
1、Now, besides New South Wales, Westerncorrectness造句
1、Inspection installation correctness offingertip造句
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1、General introduction of the 11th Sessi