1、Figure 1-18 shows the basic configuration of an alternative form of electrometer ohmmeter.
图1 -18示出另一种形式的静电计欧姆计的基本电路结构。
2、When using the electrometer ohmmeter, measurement accuracy can be affected by a variety of factors.
3、Figure 2-33 shows the electrometer ohmmeter measuring a resistance.
4、VC type electrometer is an electrostatic instrument of alternating current induction type.
5、Connect an electrometer to the switch card output and measure the cur rent.
6、Main control Unit, two-channel electrometer and servo controller.
7、The damping circuit may already be built into the electrometer or may be an external circuit.
8、The circuit of the electrometer when used as a voltmeter is actually as shown in Figure 2-6.
当静电计作为电压表使用时,其电路实际上如图2 - 6所示。
n. 静电计【化】 静电计【医】 静电计, 静电测量器 详情

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