1、M documentation : free-form text, optional Escalation documentation.
mDOCUMENTATION(1. . 100):任意形式的文本,可选调升文档。
2、F DOCUMENTATION : free-form text, optional Available for human tasks only.
fDOCUMENTATION(1. . 100):任意形式的文本,可选只用于人工任务(不用于管理任务)。
3、It basically consists of a free-form text field that allows editing whitepaper-like documentation.
4、The remaining text on each line is just free-form text from the system logging the error message.
5、There are two types of views enabled in the process diagram: Swimlane view and Free-Form layout.
在流程图中有两种类型的视图可用:Swimlane视图和Free - Form布局(参阅流程图观察获取更多细节)。
6、Here you use a free-form layout diagram.
这里您使用一个free - for m布局图。
7、Some sites keep a very professional approach while others have a more organic, free-form look.
有些网站保持一个非常专业的方式(如LinkedIn) ,另一些则有更具活力和自由(像MySpace ) 。
8、Now Taurine is a free-form amino acid that participates in a variety of metabolic processes.
9、Now such programs can also interpret "unstructured" data, mainly free-form text.
10、For example you can switch from a free-form flowchart to a swimlane view at any time.
11、The Properties panel also allows the tester to annotate the execution step with free-form comments.
12、Full of cogent character studies, comic and poignant vignettes, done in seemingly free-form style.
13、Some fields require a one-word value, while others allow a free-form description or set of values.
14、Thus, we have chosen to focus these articles on free-form text.
15、And the questions were followed with the dreaded "if not, explain" free-form field.
16、SOSL is similar to text-based searches, allowing a more free-form search.
SOSL 与基于文本的搜索相似,它可以实现更自由的搜索。
a. 形状不规则的, 不按传统格式的 详情

idle time造句
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1、More shame boatman replied: I am sorry