grated cheese造句
1、Then sprinkle some grated cheese on the salad.
2、Finally, add some tomato sauce and grated cheese on top.
3、Another way to prepare them is to bake them with grated cheese and onion.
4、You can add grated cheese or soy cheese if you want, though it's not necessary.
5、He grated cheese into beaten eggs.
1、The gunner tried to bring his guns arosailing date造句
1、Please fax name and approximate sailinspaced造句
1、The ionized particles then flow past awedding band造句
1、Tanya, the woman driving, sees Teri'sgrieve造句
1、But for you to grieve over how you loocultivate造句
1、Cultivate Software Engineer——Analysismembership card造句
1、There is no test to pass, no license tbureaucrat造句
1、Other reports, however, disputed thathydration造句
1、Cell hydration promotes strength, endusquare dancing造句
1、Square dancing comes from dances doneignatius造句
1、So Ignatius also,he says, you can't evteam sport造句
1、My favorite sport is basketball, whichafter school造句
1、Children walking home after school ininvisible assets造句
1、Brand is the invisible assets of enterby accident造句
1、He sliced his fingers by accident wheright off造句
1、I am gonna scrub that smug look rightbelieving造句
1、He erred in believing that I had saidin error造句
1、Certainly, I thought, the human spiritthe working class造句
1、a member of the working class (not necbad blood造句
1、We usually get over it in seconds, but