lounge chair造句
1、Clara had been reading in a lounge chair under a shady tree.
2、Sure, an Eames lounge chair makes your living room look awesome, but come on-it just sits there.
3、The roomy seat can be used not only as a dining chair, but as a lounge chair too.
4、Drag a lounge chair on display over to the magazines and relax.
1、The planar five-bar robot is a typicaleffectually造句
1、Suppressing redundant NAK can effectuatelevision造句
1、There are at present four television cuncertainty造句
1、The combined standard uncertainty of Hdatum造句
1、This paper dwells the concepts of retrkiller cell造句
1、Effects of Zinc on Natural Killer Cellsanta fe造句
1、We begin at the Santa Fe Trail, or whariley造句
1、Riley said he flew from the United Stasplendour造句
1、Of the meretricious splendour I had heimmunosuppressed造句
1、Conclusion: BSP can improve the immunodouble row造句
1、Double row cylindrical roller bearingsjunk造句
1、Junk food is unhealthy and should be ahuman language造句
1、But human language permits communicatitax system造句
1、Its origin in the tax system in the filow-cost造句
1、Often an IT organization first attemptantidepressant造句
1、Yu offered him antidepressant medicatijust the same造句
1、It was just the same outside.这里就像外面一样。extra large造句
1、Henry Needle is selling fashionable clin absolute terms造句
1、In absolute terms their wages remain lwhittle down造句
1、Whittle down the debt by making small