1、Wherefore by departing manfully out of this life, I shall shew myself worthy of my old age.
2、Manfully cling to the pillar of Patience.
3、He strove manfully to overcome his speech defect.
4、They stood up manfully against the enemy.
5、Then manfully despising The Turkish tyrant's yoke.
6、Colin Firth as her father, a reluctant king manfully overcoming his stammer.

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1、This article mainly studies the interfchromatograph造句
1、We use an ion chromatograph to test fproper造句
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1、The Sea King had been a for many yearsactive site造句
1、A mechanism in which the active site odesalination造句
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1、She has been given a bravery award bydinoflagellate造句
1、ABSTRACT Non-marine dinoflagellate fos