1、Last year Nunavut's economy grew by 5.8%, second only to that of oil-rich Alberta.
2、And oil-rich governments had no need to borrow.
3、The country depends on its oil-rich neighbours for its oil supply.
4、The oil-rich monarchs at the other end of the region have more money to buy time.
5、Other firms are working on ways to break up the cells of oil-rich algae to get at the oil.
6、These problems are most egregious in the oil-rich Niger Delta.
7、Dubai may have to rely on yet another bail-out from its neighbour, oil-rich Abu Dhabi. See article.
8、Gao is leading a research project on oil-rich plants that can be used to produce bioenergy.
9、But following a referendum in January, the oil-rich south of his country has seceded.
10、The problem is most acute in the five or six oil-rich Delta states.
11、He also paid a recent visit to oil-rich Equatorial Guinea, which seems happy to assist.
12、Oil-rich Middle Eastern nations are rushing to build new nuclear plants.
13、Last summer he arranged an amnesty for militants in the oil-rich Niger Delta.
14、The oil-rich Gulf states are thinking of ditching their currency pegs with the greenback.
15、It is premature to see the Bhutanese as Himalayan versions of the oil-rich Gulf Arabs.
16、The former governor of the oil-rich Delta State received a salary of less than $25,000 a year.
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