1、Thee outcrop that we found proved to be very rich in gold.
2、Eagle rock? A rock, you say? Oh, I see. It's obviously an outcrop of base rock.
3、Methods13 sections of outcrop and 62 drill cores were observed and described.
4、Standing on a heady outcrop of rock.
5、He was standing upon a high outcrop of dark rock, water foaming and churning below him.
6、At last, it obducted and thrusted to outcrop on the surface.
7、Methods the study is based on the observing outcrop and analyzing the information of Wells.
8、The outcrop that we found proved to be very rich in gold.
9、Detection of the Limestone Karst Cracks in Coal Outcrop Area by GPR
10、Standing on a heady outcrop of rock
11、The Main Chromitite Seam and the Merensky Reef do not outcrop well.
12、Outcrop examples are used to illustrate production scale attributes of deepwater reservoir sands.
13、The team found the fossil in a rock outcrop in North Attleboro, Massachusetts.
n. 露出, 露头, 爆发vi. 露出地表, 出现 详情

trim down造句
1、Software distribution problems also harun造句
1、The boat had run aground, but they mandreamily造句
1、Sam dreamily left the lottery studio.山decisive factor造句
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1、Determination of the Terminal Methoxylvaricose vein造句
1、Conclusion: Venography of lower limb imore than ever造句
1、It also responds to shoulder, elbow, aspringfield造句
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1、Article third unessential therefore refrightening造句
1、It is frightening to most children toretaining wall造句
1、At last, the steps in design of retainlodestone造句
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1、Good fortune relating to ideals in lifattentively造句
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1、Megalithic Culture of the Indian Peninat regular intervals造句
1、A publication issued at regular intervrange of products造句
1、The company is introducing a new rangerepetitive造句
1、Study on X-ray preionized repetitive p