1、But with just 13 days to go, a series of crises is threatening to overshadow the Games.
2、Fears for the president's safety could overshadow his peace-making mission.
3、Never let the outfit overshadow who you are.
4、It's easy to remember his many accomplishments which far overshadow his flaws and failures.
5、But the footwear dispute could overshadow those successes.
6、Two silhouettes overshadow the falls and the desolate room.
7、Large oak trees overshadow the garden.
8、That issue is now sure to overshadow next month's EU-Russia summit.
9、Negatively, American entertainment media overshadow the popular culture of many nations.
10、They can be used as street tree, overshadow tree, plant alone or agminate in gardens.
vt. 遮阴, 使阴暗, 使失色, 使相形见绌, 使蒙上阴影 详情猜你喜欢
1、Late in life, Gatling did divert his avindictive造句
1、Take care. I am a vindictive man.注意,我可dippy造句
1、Ben: Carol's dressing her in some dippraise funds造句
1、The hospital is trying to raise fundsprotoplasm造句
1、the protoplasm of a cell nucleus细胞的细胞质relatedness造句
1、Stubbornly confronting each other, weplayed out造句
1、Their love affair was played out againexemplary造句
1、FIG. 5 is an exemplary return-loss plomartial art造句
1、Ip Chun served as the martial art consvulnerability造句
1、Always establish a security policy befeh造句
1、Morning, day and night BPs were signifzonal造句
1、This research will provide a feasibleequivalent造句
1、That is equivalent to a weight of 116environment造句
1、Method of eliminating for planar draftinflate造句
1、Otherwise negative real interest ratesqi造句
1、Du Can or Fu Can: a Study on Qi Lue anback up造句
1、But as I headed back up the staircase,hillman造句
1、"Multiple times I told him I wouldn'tcollecting造句
1、They are much more likely than men andgrotty造句
1、She lives in a grotty little room with