1、Objective To study the intervention and treatment of pubertal polycystic ovary syndrome.
2、But in pubertal mice, THP has the opposite effect - increasing their stress.
但是,对发育期老鼠来说,THP具有相反作用- - -增加老鼠压力。
3、Sure enough, pubertal mice had seven times as many of the receptors as infant mice.
4、The pubertal mice, however, failed to learn to avoid it even after several rounds.
【医】 青春期的 详情0
fan blade造句
1、Taking fan blade out of condenser.将扇叶由marquis造句
1、The King then invited the marquis to alynching造句
1、Frank was abducted from his jail celltheodicy造句
1、A theodicy of course is a response toplainclothes造句
1、Several plainclothes men were waitingmalay造句
1、He was singing a Malay song他在唱一首马来亚歌。2myna造句
1、It is public knowledge that myna can imemory bank造句
1、Redundant memory provides the system wmounter造句
1、The main issues are as follows: 1. Moucommiserate造句
1、I commiserate with you on the loss ofbaptists造句
1、The Baptists certainly need perking upsacking造句
1、Then there would be an inquiry, the saphotosensitive造句
1、A transistor having highly photosensittop hat造句
1、In one, a woman in a top hat and leathovershoe造句
1、An overshoe with a cloth top布帮套鞋布帮高至踝部rancid造句
1、But about the smell of rancid butter..level of management造句
1、Equally, every level of management musapprove of造句
1、Their parents had a puritanical streakmouthful造句
1、He took a mouthful of sweet country airesurgence造句
1、This trend over the past two decades i