red carpet造句
1、be accorded a grand reception; be given a red carpet reception
2、Entertainment's live red carpet coverage of the 2006 Golden Globes ceremony.
3、In homes across the U.S., animals of all shapes and sizes get the red carpet treatment.
4、To do the red carpet look, tilt your head, subtle smile, little bit of teeth, open mouth.
5、However, a red carpet doesn't automatically mean this will be a must-see event.
6、They even rolled out the red carpet for us.
7、They closed a show where the evening wear had moved deftly away from red carpet shine and glitter.
8、Westlife will take their Rat Pack tribute on the road with their Red Carpet Tour.
男孩 还将把他们对“鼠帮”的敬意带到红毯巡回演唱会上。
9、The star-studded cast on the red carpet is another highlight.
10、Here comes the big cheese himself! Have we got the red carpet out?
11、Seeing her on the red carpet was a sight I will not forget.
12、For stars who borrow dresses, walking the red carpet is even more difficult.
13、Red carpet style: Songstress Idina Menzel opted for a stylish little black dress.
14、Like many of the star's red carpet favorites, it managed to be formal yet breezy.
15、The regal label, an Academy Award and red carpet standby, is headquartered in New York, sure.
16、By 2004, our girl Emma had adopted a very sophisticated red carpet look!
17、The idea that a dog could tell a red carpet from a housebreaking pad may sound far-fetched.
18、I didn't expect to be given the red carpet treatment !
19、The visiting princess was treated to the red carpet in Rome.
20、Fashion Celeb vote: Is Leighton Meester’s Marc Jacobs dress a red carpet do or a don’t?
时尚名人投票:莉顿·梅斯特 (LeightonMeester)的马克·雅可布礼服是不是很像一条红地毯?
21、The star - studded cast on the red carpet is another highlight.
22、Actually, not all stores in America roll out the red carpet for their customers.
23、The stars may not be out on February 24, but the red carpet sure will be.
24、The White House is rolling out the red carpet for Queen Elizabeth II.
25、This dress also handily comes with its own frame - useful for those red carpet snaps.
red carpet翻译
红地毯, 隆重的接待 详情

access point造句
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