1、The paper introduces the design and adjustment of resolver and synchronizer axial angle encoder.
2、In Listing 5, the code using this resolver USES the new prefix.
3、In that case a reference to the resolver object is provided that can be passed to other vats.
4、The Spring resolver first delegates to the native resolver supplied with the JSF implementation.
5、The "server" side of this resolver solution is called an LSID authority.
这一解析器解决方案的“服务器”端名为LSID中心(LSID authority)。
6、Addressing the portal resolver framework directly.
7、You can register your entity resolver on your parser as shown in Listing 4.
8、Finally King covers scopes, contexts, and resolver methods. With available scope types as follows.
9、Paremus have recently released Nimble, a resolver that can obtain and download OSGi bundles.
10、Write your entity resolver so it caches the content of the entity the first time it is read.
11、We also use an appropriate resolver to execute the query, much as we did in the previous scenario.
12、Your new action class USES a resolver class that processes the request and builds the Atom feed.
13、A TSP Problem Resolver Based on Evolutionary Algorithm
14、Defines a view resolver using the bean name that the user specifies.
15、The native JSF variable resolver first looks for a JSF managed bean that matches the name courses.
16、Using the resolver - to - digital converter a a multi channel Angle measuring system.
17、A note about using a generic JDBC Resolver versus other approaches.
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