safe and sound造句
1、You know she is safe and sound and you are being vindictive and unreasonable.
2、We found the children safe and sound after their dangerous adventure.
3、"All our senior management staff are now safe and sound at work," the company said.
safe and sound翻译
安然无恙的 详情0
1、Amenorrhea decreases bone density at aconsumable造句
1、Analysis on aged consumable market我国老年perfumed造句
1、Flowers perfumed the air.空气中弥漫着花香。2、Shspare parts造句
1、A good mechanic with a stock of spareextent of damage造句
1、The extent of damage to the coastal anto the life造句
1、It links the human heart to the life odead water造句
1、It became a pool of dead water when alextraction of oil造句
1、strategic industries such as the extrablemish造句
1、a blemish on the skin formed before bibland造句
1、You find him quite bland and urbane tofirsthand造句
1、I see it firsthand with my four youngthy造句
1、I fear thy kisses, gentle maiden.温柔的少女optic axis造句
1、Along with the growth of age and body,uncontroversial造句
1、It performed these uncontroversial taspriority造句
1、How to prioritise a busy queue so lowminium造句
1、Novel SRM Power Converter with the Minmay day造句
1、The May Day Holiday brought in a goldecentre of mass造句
1、In fact, the centre of mass for the Susalad bar造句
1、I once went into Sainsbury's and ate apeerage造句
1、The king conferred the dignity of a pe