sexual relationship造句
1、To live together in a sexual relationship when not legally married.
2、To live together in a sexual relationship when not legally married
3、a woman who has an ongoing extramarital sexual relationship with a man

1、Other experts were taking a wait-and-sadvection造句
1、A higher order numerical method for puunfilial造句
1、what a disloyal, unfilial behaviour真是不slyly造句
1、He would allow John slyly to copy hiswy造句
1、Wy father and mother are both teachersthus造句
1、Protein supplements may overburden somgoodies造句
1、It's sometimes difficult to tell who aneural tube造句
1、Neural tube defects; Case control studbrassica造句
1、Chemical composition of 3 kinds of Cruankle joint造句
1、Reconstruction of the lateral ligamentflood control造句
1、Hydroelectric power and flood controlvt造句
1、VT fuzes were used from the end of 194immigration造句
1、The complaints are unlikely to stop wiapollo program造句
1、The Apollo program was just the officiriskiness造句
1、The inherent riskiness of the film busrated output造句
1、The rated output of the motor shall beabruzzi造句
1、Falzone turns to leave, but Abruzzi grembellish造句
1、When stool stem node, eat more apple ckiss造句
1、Mary will kiss him because she hates Sremote sensing造句
1、processing of remote sensing image dat