short delivery造句
1、We have file a claim against you for the short delivery of 15 cases.
2、Rising productivity, global support, low cost-of-ownership and short delivery times?
3、We have file a claim against you for the short delivery of 15 cases
short delivery翻译
【经】 货物短缺, 交货短缺 详情0
1、He sent a letter inviting Naomi to attspotted fever造句
1、Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a rickstate monopoly造句
1、After 1992 the state monopoly on alcohbedding造句
1、Bedding usually goes on sale in Januarsupply and marketing造句
1、supply and marketing enterprise of matparkinson造句
1、An experimental study on SPECT DAT fortakeover target造句
1、a potential takeover target that has npolonium造句
1、Polonium is used to set off a nuclearmendacious造句
1、That moral hazard is one of the reasonsemiautomatic造句
1、So at the present stage, semiautomaticliter造句
1、Moles per liter per second.摩尔每升每秒。2、Onhoarseness造句
1、ResultVocal nodule is the main cause towlet造句
1、An owlet is a bird of prey that flieshead lice造句
1、Infection with head lice is no reflectBenz造句
1、Mannheim Iron Foundry of German Benz Atectonic造句
1、The Tectonic Stress Field of the Qaidaencourage造句
1、To help them achieve academic excellenphytolacca造句
1、Phytolacca americana L:A New Manganesearthurian造句
1、For example, for fantasy, read Dunsanylethal dose造句
1、A lethal dose of barbiturates.巴比妥酸盐的致死