1、This man was as humourless as a dictioicy造句
1、She slipped and almost fell on the icypediatrician造句
1、Have you chosen a pediatrician yet?你已经oligosaccharide造句
1、An oligosaccharide contains 2 to 20 sublotted out造句
1、May his posterity be destroyed, theirgrumble造句
1、He has everything he needs; he has notengender造句
1、Engender a good two-way discussion ofbestrode造句
1、He bestrode his horse.他骑上马。2、The colosbe sure of造句
1、I left a message so as to be sure of crodgers造句
1、At last Rodgers took out a piece of pawell-being造句
1、I drink a lot of water and fruit juicepatent infringement造句
1、In Silicon Valley, copyright and patenfifteenth造句
1、Incidentally, I'm not saying that goodbaud rate造句
1、The baud rate of serial-port is set toimport data造句
1、First you'll see how to import data frsciatic造句
1、The complication of the axon and myelifirst team造句
1、The first team to arrive was Red Bull.unresponsive造句
1、Trick 1: Unmounting the unresponsive Drip off造句
1、As mentioned before, if you aren't instake the bull by the horns造句
1、She likes for him to take the bull by