1、And for people twenty to twenty-nine the suicide rate was nearly unchanged.
2、A girl committed suicide after continued cyber-bullying and harassments.
一个女孩在持续遭到网络欺凌和骚扰后 * 。
3、the two lovers killed themselves in a suicide pact
两个恋人按照 * 和约 * 了。
4、It will not be suicide to admit your mistake.
5、So those hijacked people would rather commit suicide to save self-respect.
因此很多受挟持者在面对要挟时,宁愿选择 * 来维护自己的尊严。
6、The number of suicide has increased.
* 案件的数量增加了。
7、Palestinian suicide bomber has struck in the Israeli resort of Eilat on the Red Sea.
一名巴勒斯坦 * 袭击了红海的以色列度假胜地埃拉特。
8、Voluntary co-operation in suicide is contrary to the moral law.
故意帮助 * 是违反道德律。
9、He committed suicide during a fit of depression.
他一时想不开, * 了.
10、She was the oldest Palestinian female suicide bomber.
她是迄今最年长的巴勒斯坦女 * 。
11、A suicide bomber struck near a college in western Baghdad
一枚 * 式 * 在巴格达西部一所大学附近 * 。
12、Hitler himself committed suicide as Soviet forces were closing in on Berlin.
当苏联军队包围柏林时,希特勒 * 了。
13、There is no typical suicide victim.
不存在典型的 * 受害者。
14、An airplane loaded with explosives to be piloted in a suicide attack
神风突击机装有 * ,被驾驶着撞击目标并与之同归于尽的飞机
15、There is a disproportionately high suicide rate among prisoners facing very long sentences.
特长刑期的犯人中 * 率高得不成比例。
16、At least 26 people have been killed in a suicide attack in Baghdad
在巴格达一场 * 式袭击中造成至少26人死亡。
17、Her suicide bid was an attempt to run away from reality.
她想 * 就是要逃避现实。
18、One cause of the artist's suicide seems to have been chronic poverty.
那位艺术家 * 的原因之一好像是极度贫困。
19、"Did she really commit suicide Or was it possibly a homicide"
她真的是 * 吗?或者可能是谋杀?
20、Atheism is the death of hope, the suicide of the soul.
无神论不啻是希望的死亡,灵魂的 * 。
21、Suicide is cheating the doctor out of a job
* 等于叫医生没有工作好做。
22、Fung had tried to commit suicide by burning charcoal in March.
冯先生在三月曾试过烧炭 * 。
23、The suicide was of unsound mind when she committed the deed.
她 * 时精神失常。
24、Her suicide attempt was really a cry for help.
她企图 * 实际上表明她迫切需要帮助。
25、Hemingway committed suicide at his Idaho home, shooting himself while his wife Mary slept.
26、In surveys, more than 80% of Britons say assisted suicide should be legalised.
27、I would be so sad I would commit suicide at once.
我伤心的几乎要马上 * 。
28、The possibility of suicide was ruled out.
* 的可能性已被排除。
29、She had committed suicide by hanging herself.
她上吊 * 了。
30、She regarded suicide as the ultimate act of escapism.
她认为 * 是逃避现实的最终方式。
n. * , * 者vt. * vi. * a. * 的【法】 * , * 罪, * 事件; * 详情

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