1、Hard work, sureness and team work spirit.
2、Guidelines for calculating sureness factors are as follows.
3、Add the attribute sureness factor to the type expectation and other dependent requirements.
4、Mr Lebedoff shows sureness of touch in linking the men's writing and their lives.
5、Mr Lebedoff shows sureness of touch in linking the men’s writing and their lives.
6、These elements also have associated sureness factors.
7、It is quite amusing to see the two kinds of sureness in chickens.
8、By you cheat a sureness I also think this pictures is your take your new home's photos.
9、Guidelines for calculating sureness factors are as follows.
n. 确实, 踏实, 安全 详情猜你喜欢
take a test造句
1、In some cases, you will obtain a proviprincipality造句
1、Well, this is the principality of Monacompetence造句
1、It is an undisputable fact that Chinescask造句
1、A cask with a capacity of from72 to120liberal education造句
1、Liberal education is the essential parnorthern hemisphere造句
1、The northern hemisphere summer saw excby letter造句
1、Reservations can be made by letter orbe associated with造句
1、Each bridge queue must be associated wmineral resources造句
1、But we know our mineral resources cannevery other week造句
1、Weighing every other week allows me tomullet造句
1、I showed him where the mullet swirled.finite set造句
1、Defined for a finite set of values; noentryway造句
1、A row or two of pegs makes use of wallurgent造句
1、The urgent task on hand was to find heprince edward island造句
1、A helpless little girl in a small villoverall造句
1、Dynamics of an elastic beam in large onon-violence造句
1、We know that a culture of non-violencediffusion process造句
1、Such diffusion process is often affectwarm blood造句
1、Without it, your warm blood would boilopposing造句
1、Listen openly to their opposing opinio