take heart造句
1、Take heart and go on trying!
鼓起勇气, 再试试吧!
2、We can take heart from the Commission’s expert opinion.
3、Take heart though, you can, however, temporarily reduce its orange peel-like appearance.
4、The government can take heart from the latest opinion polls.
take heart翻译
振作 详情0
1、The onlooker affirmed the fact to be tvanishingly造句
1、Such lost worlds are vanishingly rare.beet造句
1、"Roses". Beet and artificial leaves.作品palpably造句
1、When the conversation moves on to footabound in造句
1、Bright clusters and nebulae abound ingalen造句
1、When Galen was injured, Vader ignoredcommon language造句
1、Music cis the common language of mankijoint mortgage造句
1、In part two, the effect of joint mortgantimatter造句
1、In principle, antimatter could power ecommunity college造句
1、Many take classes at Berkshire Communithe death penalty造句
1、Some people argue that the death penalelectrum造句
1、Most natural electrum also contains cogrizzled造句
1、No matter how grizzled or sceptical thhome buyer造句
1、In some situations, the home buyer maybe short of造句
1、Even so, emerging-market Banks will stsinuosity造句
1、A case study is made for low sinuosityEMP造句
1、Experimental study of EMP effects on 8britten造句
1、Benjamin Britten did not live to a gredoll up造句
1、The history is a young girl, Let peoplsideline造句
1、He runs a profitable sideline selling