1、Optic fiber is now the preferred transprimary造句
1、He made no mention of primary colors.他skid造句
1、Many highly trained workers end up onobliquity造句
1、This paper introduces the applicationleg it造句
1、We must leg it along if we are to getproduct mix造句
1、With the product mix optimized, new tehand pump造句
1、Use a hand pump instead of CO2 cartridsundae造句
1、A jumbo hot dog, a submarine sandwichcold medicine造句
1、Medicine: : There's a limit on how mucinjured造句
1、Names of the dead and injured are beinfine quality造句
1、Breeding of Fine Quality Indica CMS Lidemographer造句
1、Professor Antonio Golini is a demograpnosedive造句
1、The plane plunges in a nosedive and tuslash造句
1、The government promises to slash taxesmake ready造句
1、make ready for action or use.为了行动或使用而准overawed造句
1、Don't be overawed by people in authorifur造句
1、A hat made of beaver fur or an imitatiorientated造句
1、Germany is strongly export orientatedmailbox造句
1、I drop the letter into the mailbox intyrosine造句
1、In a number of studies, tyrosine has a