1、Unmodified salmon undergo a period of restricted growth when they are young.
2、Anygui is nice because it lets unmodified applications run on widely different platforms.
3、Because most users want to run an unmodified kernel, full virtualization solutions are preferred.
4、Before you can run Jester, all the unit tests must pass with the unmodified source code.
5、These extensions allow Xen to run unmodified operating systems such as Microsoft Windows.
6、At this point, I recommend that you save a copy of the unmodified CAM template.
7、It's a compatibility layer for Windows apps, so that they can run unmodified on top of Linux.
8、Because NOVA implements full virtualization, unmodified guest operating systems are supported.
9、You can see the unmodified CAM template in Figure 2.
10、Both approaches operate on an unmodified operating system.
11、After all, complete blocks contain modified data but may also contain unmodified data as well.
12、The work shows what an unmodified cyanobacterium is capable of, says Pakrasi.

engineering science造句
1、Degree in Engineering Science from theKILLER APP造句
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1、Then REM sleep emerges, rapid eye move