1、The flexible twining or climbing stem of certain plants such as the hop woodbine or bindweed.
2、He came back smelling of tar and tangle, saltness and sun, sea winds and Woodbine and bottled beer.
3、There's a hairpin bend at Woodbine and the track in Barbados was very compact.
1、Now and then they came upon snug nooksaddressee造句
1、When you send a letter via registeredunloader造句
1、Ship unloader is a kind of port cranesunilateralism造句
1、Unilateralism is very difficult to havsierra nevada造句
1、And then an endless list of Sierra Nevinstal造句
1、The novel will appear in instal centsconnatural造句
1、The problem is relevant with the connanaturalistic造句
1、Lightbown notes this as another sign ostock-still造句
1、He stood stock-still and looked down abe agreeable to造句
1、Be agreeable to sth.欣然同意某事2、Do you thiconstructively造句
1、I encouraged China to respond construcpassenger train造句
1、May I take the express passenger trainthy造句
1、I fear thy kisses, gentle maiden.温柔的少女neroli造句
1、Neroli was once an oil heavily used inlcm造句
1、This system is composed of 80C196KC SCdigger造句
1、We need a mechanical digger to level tfood waste造句
1、Food waste is the big issue in industrappropriated造句
1、Now, you could select one appropriatedbaby-sitter造句
1、Couldn't you work as a baby-sitter infiller造句
1、I used anti sag as opposed to the adhe