air letter造句
1、Nancy was in a fractious mood.南希处在一种易怒monetary base造句
1、Japan's monetary base rose 85 percenttouch造句
1、Does it hurt when I touch it here ?我触这alarmism造句
1、Such alarmism may be misplaced.这种危言耸听也dried造句
1、a thick soup made of dried peas (usualnatural product造句
1、It is a natural product and is environinput造句
1、Furthermore, the circuit of power, inpelectric power造句
1、Electric power is highly efficient, socertificate of quality造句
1、Our Certificate of Quality is made valbook of revelation造句
1、The Book of Revelation seems to have aper cent造句
1、Interest on this sum of money is chargremove from造句
1、Remove from the heat, add the parsley,associativity造句
1、Table 2.1 at the end of this chapter sin the dust造句
1、The results showed that a hole in thetoadstool造句
1、The man was sent to the hospital for hprogress to造句
1、Maintain an objective assessment of thlimiting造句
1、On Limiting Properties of the Bernsteiantituberculosis造句
1、Objective:To study the antituberculosilachrymal造句
1、Can be the lachrymal naevus on the facaged造句
1、Methods Sum up the nursing experience