1、Athene is the goddess of wisdom.
2、Food habits of the spotted owlet Athene brama in central Punjab,Pakistan
3、Morphological Observation on Digestive System of Athene noctua
4、On the Ecology and Mechanism of Feeding Behavior in Athene noctua Plumipes
纵纹腹小?(Athene noctua Plumipes)的生态及捕食行为机理
n. 雅典娜(智慧与技艺的女神) 详情0
1、A miracle healing of Bob Sura would heold造句
1、The old guard was in charge again.保守派重american eagle造句
1、large North American eagle having a whvoting system造句
1、The EU's voting system will become simgalileo造句
1、The old view of Galileo was delightfulsea monster造句
1、They are mentioned as a sea monster anprocaryotic造句
1、This comparison uses the following moddisembarkation造句
1、May I see your passport and disembarkastartling造句
1、But in 1923 a startling new kind of resickeningly造句
1、Next was a tour and tasting session atveda造句
1、Rig Veda is acclaimed as the oldest exwasted造句
1、Total working time, elapsed time, wastwild boar造句
1、The rage of a wild boar is able to sposhipping documents造句
1、Otherwise, the shipping documents shalsong and dance造句
1、She gave her parents a song and dancein view造句
1、In view of our good cooperation in themillimetre造句
1、The total amount of pollen was measureuniverse造句
1、Scientists disagree about how the univfailure mode造句
1、The failure mode of a group of layeredprayer造句
1、Prayer to the Crone: a Godsworn can pr